Maintaining Your Fish Tank

Once established, regular maintenance of your fish tank is essential to continue to provide a healthy environment for your fish. Some routine tasks will help keep your aquarium and fish looking their best. Water exchange It is recommended to routinely exchange 20-30% of the water in the tank once a week to once a fortnight […]

Having a Problem With Cat Scratching?

Does your cat like to scratch? Of course they do! Cats naturally scratch objects to shorten and condition their claws, to mark their territory and to stretch. Most cats that have access to an outdoor area will find their preferred scratching areas outside on a tree or fence. On the other hand, indoor cats need to […]

Keeping Kitty Happy

Many cats enjoy interacting with their owners and playing is a great way to cultivate a bond between cat and owner. Cats whose situation provides them with both indoor and outdoor access will often provide themselves with plenty of interest from tree climbing to stalking, chasing and investigating their surrounds. Cats who are solely indoors […]

Excitable and Disobedient Dogs

People do not respond well to dogs that are overly excitable or disobedient. So, how can this behaviour be prevented and can an unruly dog be re-trained? What defines an excitable or disobedient dog? Puppy behaviour is often excitable and hyperactive, but this tends to diminish by 6-9 months of age. A dog beyond this […]

Housing Large Birds

Large birds such as cockatoos, African greys and Amazon parrots have special housing requirements. The size of the cage, type of perch and accessories for the cage are important. What size cage do I need? For large birds, the bigger the cage the better. Since these birds spend a lot of time flying in the […]

Greasy Heel in Horses

Greasy heel is characterised by greasy, cracked or inflamed skin on the heels and rear of the pasterns. It is often referred to as ‘mud fever’ where horses develop the condition when standing in muddy yards and paddocks during rainy weather. Causes of greasy heel In severe cases, the lesions may extend up the cannon […]

Heartworm Disease and Its Prevention

Previous Next Heartworm disease is a silent killer of dogs and cats. It’s a slow, insidious disease that gradually incapacitates pets. By the time you notice the telltale signs of the disease, the damage that has been caused is serious. This is one disease that can be easily and totally prevented. Initially, heartworm disease was […]

Spring Feeding Horses

Too fat, too thin: how is your horse looking after the winter months? Under that fluffy coat, there lurks a horse somewhere, but it’s hard to tell what condition he is in with all that hair covering his ribs! How do you know if your horse needs to be fattened up, or if he is […]

Home Dental Care for Pets

Plaque Removal and Prevention in Dogs and Cats The “gold standard” for home care is daily brushing of your pet’s teeth using an abrasive toothpaste, as it is essential to mechanically remove plaque build-up. Plaque cannot simply be rinsed off due to the attachment of the plaque pellicle to the surface of the tooth. The […]

What You Should Know About Cat Flu

Cats get the snuffles and sneezes just like humans, though it is caused by different organisms. Cats (and dogs) cannot catch the flu from humans and vice versa. ‘Cat flu’ refers to upper respiratory tract infections, most of which are caused by one of two viruses – feline herpes virus and feline calicivirus. Since these […]

Unruly Behaviour In Dogs

Unruly behaviours such as jumping up, pulling on the lead and chasing are common and frustrating problems cited by many dog owners. Here are some practical solutions to help eliminate or reduce the occurrence of these behavioural problems. Remember though, behaviour modification takes time and patience, and is best attempted in conjunction with the advice […]

Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis) In Birds

Chlamydiosis, also known as Psittacosis or Parrot Fever, is a common disease of birds. The disease can cause chronic infections, asymptomatic infections, or sudden death. The disease can also be transmitted to people. It is not associated with the venereal chlamydia that affects people. What causes chlamydiosis? Chlamydiosis is caused by an organism called Chlamydia psittaci. […]