Cat Articles

Housetraining Your Kitten

How do I train my kitten to use a litter tray? Initially, kittens are stimulated to toilet by their mother grooming and cleaning them. By about 1 month of age, they toilet by themselves, following their mother’s example by digging …

Feeding Your Cat a Balanced Diet

Your cat has specific nutritional requirements and depends on you to provide a complete and balanced diet for a long and healthy life. Cats have different nutritional requirements to dogs and should not be fed dog food. What are the …

Why You Need To Worm Your Cat

Intestinal worms are a common cause of disease in cats and can affect your health, too.

Conjunctivitis in Cats

Is your cat pawing and rubbing at its eye? Does the eye look red, swollen and painful? Chances are your cat is suffering from conjunctivitis. What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the light pink tissue …

Grief Management In Children

Losing a pet marks the end of a special relationship and can be one of the most difficult times of our life. Strong emotional bonds are formed with pets, and it is normal for any pet owner to experience intense …

Ear Infections in Cats

Otitis externa is the condition of inflammation of the outer ear (up to the eardrum) and can have many causes that require specific treatment. Some ear infections can become chronic and difficult to treat. How do I know if my …

Permethrin Poisoning in Cats

Warning! Flea control products labeled for use in dogs only should NOT be used in cats, not even a little drop. Many ‘spot-on’ flea and tick products formulated for dogs contain permethrin, which can be fatal to cats. What is …

Choosing The Right Food For Your Cat

Cats have specific nutritional requirements and need a complete and balanced diet according to their age, level of activity, pregnancy, lactation or certain medical conditions. Feeding your kitten During their time of rapid growth, kittens have higher energy and nutrient …

What To Do When Your Pet Is Missing

Most people think it won’t happen to them, but losing a pet occurs more often than one might think. It’s important to take action immediately.

Pet Emergency and First Aid Basics

Your pet may be involved in many types of accidents around the house or when you are out on a walk, including road accidents, or be poisoned, choke on a foreign object or suddenly suffer …