Is Your House Pet-Safe?

Young puppies and kittens can be very mischievous and inquisitive. Before you bring home your new pet you should make sure your house is as safe as possible.

Here are ten tips to pet-proof your house.

  1. Store any household poisons, such as cleaning agents and detergents, where your pet will not be able to access them.
  2. When using rat or mouse baits, cockroach traps or snail baits, make sure they are placed in areas that are inaccessible to your animals.
  3. Some indoor plants can be poisonous to your pet and should be kept out of reach or in a room you can close off. Your vet can give you a complete list.
  4. Store any insecticides, herbicides and fertilisers in a secure area. When using any of these products in your garden, make sure your pet is safely inside until the area dries and always read the instructions first.
  5. Car products, such as oil, anti-freeze and petrol can be deadly to your pet. Keep them out of reach.
  6. Medications should be stored safely in a locked cupboard. Human medications, such as painkillers and cold medicines, should never be given to your pet and can be potentially lethal even in small doses.
  7. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs and cats. Never leave it unattended near your pets or offer it as a treat. Also keep cigarettes, coffee and alcohol away from your pets, and make sure your garbage is safe from being rifled through. Spoiled foods, plastic bags or sharp objects can be dangerous.
  8. Check the placement of objects such as lamps and any electrical appliances that can be pulled over or off a high place onto your pet. Puppies and kittens love to play with anything hanging, like dangling cords and fringes from tablecloths. They also like to chew, so check any electrical cords that may be frayed and could shock your pet.
  9. Puppies and kittens may get tangled or hang themselves in cords hanging from blinds. Cut them short or keep them tightly wrapped up.
  10. Keep breakable objects and small objects that can be swallowed out of harm’s way, especially if you have puppies.
– Last updated 1 December 2015
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