Equine Articles

Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage in Horses

Bleeding from one or both nostrils is referred to as Exercise Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage. EIPH appears to be related to the speed of exercise, with greater risk in horses exercising at maximal speed or effort.

Keeping the Senior Horse Healthy

Basic care of older horses needs to include all the steps involved in managing younger horses, with some extra attention to handling the senior horse’s changing needs.

Laminitis: Prevention is Better than Cure

Of all the common lameness problems that affect horses and ponies, laminitis and founder are most feared by horse owners. In fact, laminitis is the second biggest killer of horses after colic. Laminitis occurs when the sensitive soft tissues connecting …

Putting Weight on Skinny Horses

Don’t despair! The answer to a beautiful rounded horse may not be out of reach.

Reducing Colic Risk in Horses

Colic refers to any condition causing signs of abdominal pain in horses. In most cases the problem arises from the gastrointestinal system.

Arthritis Among Horses

Horses, like humans, often must endure the uncomfortable, creaky movement that is characteristic of joint inflammation, more commonly referred to as simply arthritis.

Tying-Up in Horses

“Tying-up” is a generic term commonly used to describe muscle disease in performance horses.

Laminitis: Causes and Cures

Laminitis is a catastrophic syndrome that should always be treated as an emergency. However, a diagnosis of laminitis is no longer a death sentence.

Vital Signs of Horses

It is useful to be aware of the normal values for the vital signs of your horse.