Cat Articles

Keeping Kitty Happy

Many cats enjoy interacting with their owners and playing is a great way to cultivate a bond between cat and owner. Cats whose situation provides them with both indoor and outdoor access will often provide themselves with plenty of interest …

Heartworm Disease and Its Prevention

Previous Next Heartworm disease is a silent killer of dogs and cats. It’s a slow, insidious disease that gradually incapacitates pets. By the time you notice the telltale signs of the disease, the damage that has been caused is serious. …

Home Dental Care for Pets

Plaque Removal and Prevention in Dogs and Cats The “gold standard” for home care is daily brushing of your pet’s teeth using an abrasive toothpaste, as it is essential to mechanically remove plaque build-up. Plaque cannot simply be rinsed off …

What You Should Know About Cat Flu

Cats get the snuffles and sneezes just like humans, though it is caused by different organisms. Cats (and dogs) cannot catch the flu from humans and vice versa. ‘Cat flu’ refers to upper respiratory tract infections, most of which are …

Is Your House Pet-Safe?

Young puppies and kittens can be very mischievous and inquisitive. Before you bring home your new pet you should make sure your house is as safe as possible. Here are ten tips to pet-proof your house. Store any household poisons, …

Travelling With Pets

Are you thinking of taking your pet on holidays with you this year? Even a short trip to the vet requires planning to ensure your pet travels safely. Most pets generally tolerate travel well, and can be transported by car …

Shampoo Time for Pets

Saturday morning and it’s time to give your dog or cat a bath. What are you going to bathe it with? While that sounds like a simple question, it can be quite complex. It really depends on what you are …

Why Halitosis Is A Sign Your Cat Needs Dental Care

Does your cat’s breath bowl you over?  Cats neither brush their teeth nor chew on mice everyday anymore.  So it is not surprising that poor dental hygiene and bad breath are reaching epidemic proportions in our domesticated feline friends. Halitosis …

Cat Flu Facts and Fictions

With warm weather comes the Kitten season and peak boarding season, and these together bring an increased incidence of cat flu.  This happens for the same reason kids have a permanent snotty nose in preschool, and why many people get …

How To Introduce Your Baby To A Pet Cat

Cats view babies and toddlers as different species to adult humans.  Can you blame them!?  It’s a remarkable although confusing perception, now that cats are living longer and can see their human children grow up!  …